Rappel Cybersécurité offre des vidéos d’apprentissage gratuites sur sa
châine Youtube.

ISO/SAE 21434 Formations Part I - Considérations Générales

- Understanding ISO and SAE Organisations
- An ISO/SAE Joint Project: ISO/SAE 21434
- Reading ISO Standards
- Test Yourself

ISO/SAE 21434 Formations Part II - ISO/SAE 21434 vs UN r155

- Understanding UN r155
- UN r155 vs ISO/SAE 21434
- Standard vs Regulation
- Test Yourself

ISO/SAE 21434 Formations Part III - Descriptions de Contenu

- Transition from SAE J3061 to ISO/SAE 21434
- Purposes of ISO/SAE 21434
- Introduction
- Purpose of ISO/SAE 21434
- Scope of ISO/SAE 21434
- Overview of Clauses
- Clause 3: Terms and Definitions
- Clause 4: General Considerations
- Clauses 5 … 15
- Test Yourself

ONU r155 Formation - Une guide pour comprendre et appliquer

- UNECE roots
- UNECE and UN r155
- 1958 Agreement Regulations: Scope & Provisions
- 1958 Agreement Regulations: Benefits for contracting parties
- 1958 agreement and UN r155 regulation
- 1958 vs 1998 Agreements
- How to comply with UN r155?
- Understanding Un r155
- Next Steps and recommendations
- Test Yourself

Cartographie des normes et règlementations cybersécurité

- What will we cover?
- Cybersecurity core texts
- Cybersecurity related texts
- Conclusions

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